Band History
In February 2009, a group of firefighters from Eastside Fire and Rescue (EF&R) started a pipe and drum band - the Eastside Firefighters Pipes & Drums (EFP&D). While the band was not officially affiliated with the department, the name represented the founding members and the entire Eastside region.
The following year, band membership was opened up to all active and retired firefighters who work for a King County Fire Department or live in the county (except Seattle... they have their own band). Over the years, membership has grown and in 2014, we represent 11 separate departments.
In 2014, with a bit of a heavy heart, the band name was changed to the King County Firefighters Pipes & Drums (KCFP&D) to reflect all of the departments in the county who we represent. While we'll always have a special place in our hearts for the original name, we're also excited about the new one. And don't worry, other than the name, nothing has changed - we still drink a lot, play really loud music while standing on tables and have a really good time doing both!!
The King County Firefighters Pipes & Drums (KCFP&D) is a 501c3 non-profit organization. The mission of the band is broken down into four areas:
• Honor our fallen brothers and sisters in the fire service
• Honor and celebrate our fire service brothers and sisters at ceremonies & graduations
• Aide fire department related charities in their fundraising efforts (MDA, NW burn foundation, etc.)
• Strengthen bonds and goodwill in the community by performing in community parades and other public celebrations
This is a time consuming and expensive tradition to keep alive. The King County Firefighters Pipes & Drums is only able to do this through private donations, donations for performances and through the support of our fire departments. If you are interested in learning more about the band or making a donation, please contact us.